• I have bad memory for casual topics / personal long term projects: Things that I not come back often or long term project that I use to make progress casually makes me hard to remember its details.

  • Flip weaknesses to strengths: The previous item made me mad. I don’t like this weakness but I took a long deep breath and switched the thinking: this could lead to a new strength. Taking action on in should lead to a gain for those projects (less re-take curve) and for me (more fresh things in my mind).

  • Daily logging: Trello for week + daily planning makes goals clear. The downside is that it could lead to burnout due to stress on my own pressure to complete them if the scope of tasks is too much.

    Personal Trello

  • Make time worth; complete tasks in one shot makes more time available: Take a task, sit my ass down and complete it in one shot makes more time available in the future for other tasks. Use with caution: the task has to be meaningful.