Yes, you hate it. And your team does too. Because it forces you to be continuously responsible and aware of what is going to production and that, my friend, is very hard.

hate Source: Reddit

Since software development processes simulates industrial factory ones you can easily point your finger to the bottleneck in your delivery chain, if you look closely (and blamelessly on intention), because you are as fast as your slowest link, my friend. Your team’s code is not providing value and this is why it exists in the first place. Why?

A lot of reassons, of course. You have them, I have them. But I encourage you to ask and validate the following:

  • “Is it hard to deploy to production?”
  • “Do people avoid to make code reviews?”

Any positive result confirms my initial statement: your team hates C.D. At least in your current work environment.

What can I do?

I’m glad you ask. I would try the following, in this order (changes from inside to outside):

  • Make your code reviews a first class citizens in your development process. Make sure your team mates understand how doing and priorizing it can unlock productivity and learning from each other. This step is key because it will generate stress into the deploy mechanism, and in the following step.

  • Ask your team about the deployment process: what would they change? And help change one thing at time so they can unleash the value into the company and your customers.


That thing about code reviews as first citizens has a lot to be developed; I am working on it. Ah, I didn’t say anything about blame and secondary feelings… We are people, right? People in the middle of a moving machinery.