Prev: Lessons learned

  • Use “Getting Things Done” framework: It has an innate motivation component.

  • Be wise about choosing wich technical debt I will create: It can come back in the night to hunt me.

  • I forget everything when multitasking: I must keep a journal/diary/ticket system to collect any progress on multiple battle fronts.

  • Leaders must be predecibles: My schedule should be planner to suffer the less on unexpected events.

  • Expose everything I do in my tracking system: Keep work visible for everyone.

  • Test as you fly, fly as you test: An interesting NASA principle.

  • If I don’t know, I just have to say it: If I say that task is completed but I am not sure about it, I am risking my reputation and my work quality, as I am showing inconsistency. Better to be stuck to reality and measure my word in calm, showing progress but not exposing myself.

  • If I have the truth, then I must try to proof me false I want to be right more often, so if I am right, proof me wrong will show more light on the subject.

  • Taking ownership? First, show me the project’s mission: When working with multiple projects, I must have a clear field vision about what is more important and what can wait. This information will guide me on which one to take first when facing two or more critical bugs.

  • Plan and organize directives when coaching: I have to understand the task I am delegating, scopes and fulfill requirements if necessary. This will improve communication and confidence.